Hi, I'm Addie!

That’s my best friend, Bunny. Together we go on all kinds of crazy adventures. We love to read and play outside. Bunny has to watch out for the pixies though, because they LOVE to pull his tail.
One time, we got lost in Mom’s sunflower field and the pixies yanked his tail so hard, that Bunny jumped higher than he ever has before. I kind of thought it was funny, but Bunny wouldn’t go back into the sunflowers for a month!
Hi! I'm George!

Hi! I’m Addie’s little brother George. Addie would say the thing I like to do most is drive her crazy, but really me and my bestest bud Ace just
like to have fun. We run around, build stuff, and sometimes take a break and watch the clouds roll by!
One of our favorite thing to do is adventure and tell stories!
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